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Education Investment MENA
Conference: 12-13 November 2025
United Arab Emirates

Jo McMillan-Chabot
Partner at Emkan Education


Jo McMillan-Chabot is a Partner at Emkan Education. Jo has over 30 years of experience in the education field. Originally from New Zealand, her career has led her to contribute to the field of education in NZ, Australia, Samoa, and for over a decade in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. She is passionate about contributing to the provision of quality education that is available for all students. Her extensive experience has provided her an opportunity to have an impact in several areas; Educational reform, policy development, professional development, literacy promotion, leadership supervision & evaluation, and curriculum development. These efforts have significantly brought about school improvement and enhanced educational opportunities for learners.

Jo McMillan-Chabot is passionate about bringing about systemic change in education through teacher education, and enhanced curriculum opportunities that are committed to growing and inspiring learners, especially in the area of performing arts and culture.

Agenda Sessions

  • EdTech Focus: Smart Money for Smart Learning
