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Education Investment MENA
Conference: 12-13 November 2025
United Arab Emirates

Kathryn Berkett
Educational Psychologist & Neuroscience Trainer at Engage


Kathryn has her Masters in Educational Psychology, and has certified as a Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics practitioner with Dr Perry. She has worked and trained, nationally and internationally on the subject of neuroscience for over twenty years, delivering to a variety of organisations including Teachers; Police; Social Workers; Corrections; Parents; Sports Groups; Mental Health Professionals; and Corporates. She has recently carried out a project with New Zealand Police Service, developing a series of training videos to improve knowledge of stress, trauma and how to work better to heal. Kathryn is often called upon in New Zealand to comment on national television, and is frequently on radio slots talking about parenting or current media topics. She has a TEDx talk called “Neuroscience of Device Zombies” and she co-produces a podcast series with Pio Terei called “I’ve Got Questions”.

Agenda Sessions

  • The Neuroscience of Neurodiverse Learners
