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FEI: Front End of Innovation
May 19-21, 2025
Omni Boston Hotel at the SeaportBoston

Mike Thomas
CEO at Upstream360


Mike Thomas, owner of Upstream360, began his career in research and development at Procter and Gamble. In R&D, his focus was holistic product design work and innovation strategy. Eventually, he transitioned into marketing, where he learned the foundations of technical product communication. Bridging the gap between designing and selling a product would set him up for success as owner and CEO of Upstream360, The Product Communication Agency that illuminates unseen product magic and fascinates consumers in surprisingly obvious ways. Mike has a BS in Chemical Engineering and an MBA with a Marketing Emphasis. When he’s not working, he coaches his kids in baseball and softball.

Agenda Sessions

  • Why Stories, Not Just Science, Should Start in the Lab
