Alasdair RoeSales Partner at Employee Benefit Services, Inc.Speaker
Alasdair M. Roe, ACII, is an engaging and resourceful leader with over 20 years of directorship and executive level experience for companies in the healthcare delivery and insurance industries, in the U.S. and internationally. He has a track record of building sustainable and profitable solutions for businesses with teams of great people.
Since 2019 he has been working with Employee Benefit Services, Inc. (EBS), as a Sales Partner. EBS is a third-party administrator that packages essential services to convert a portion of the premiums paid to traditional carriers into an asset and deliver immediate premium savings for the employer. Our services allow employers to deploy a long-term benefits strategy to efficiently improve employee medical benefits by lowering employees’ deductibles and out of pocket contributions. As one example, The EBS Bridge ProgramTM is for small and midsized employers that are fully insured with little options.
Agenda Sessions
Innovative Therapies — How to Find Value and Pay for Curative Treatments in the Pipeline
10:05amView Session