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Jacqueline Klauer
Trainer at Informa Connect


Jacqueline Klauer is Managing Director of FUTURE LINK Consulting Pty Limited based in Sydney, Australia. She is a management consultant, speaker, trainer and author with extensive international experience as both a corporate executive and consultant across numerous business sectors. With a background in psychology and education, Jacqueline has held executive management roles with international organisations and her international consulting has given her a broad experience of working with many different nationalities, with the need to adapt to different cultural ethics, political and business attitudes and business methodologies. Jacqueline’s client base is diverse, and ranges from work with PricewaterhouseCoopers to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and to Saudi Aramco. An expert in strategic customer service, Jacqueline has enhanced the position of numerous organisations by collaborating in the development of internal customer service strategies and service level agreements. She also works with companies to improve the skills of middle and senior management, create better workplace practices, enhance teams, and set strategies for expert performance management systems.