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Maritime Trade Sanctions Compliance Training

Charting Ethical Waters: Navigating Maritime Trade Sanctions Compliance Training to Safeguard Global Commerce Against Unethical Practices

Maritime Trade Sanctions Compliance Training

Learn about maritime trade sanctions and compliance best practices in this maritime trade sanctions compliance course.

About the Course

There is little doubt that maritime trade represents the majority of international business trade contracted 24/7 globally. Cargos of every conceivable type are in continuous movement, providing the lifeblood for the beating heart of commercial commerce. Some actors upon this global stage, however, may be governments and regimes that are considered unethical in their policies or behaviours and, as a result, face sanctions, a punitive mechanism from the wider international community in an attempt to change such policies and behaviour.

This maritime trade sanctions compliance course is crucial to navigating the complexities of maritime trade. International criminal interests and terrorists may utilise the flow of maritime trade to further their own ends – perhaps by laundering money or to raise capital for funding. The sheer volume of maritime trade poses a double-sided conundrum. On the one hand, like-minded governments may draft and ratify international sanctions, whilst on the other, the implementation and enforcement of them is another matter wholly. This problem is further exacerbated for those who must ensure they do not fall foul of maritime trade sanctions compliance requirements, whilst others seek to circumvent and avoid any such sanction measures.

This maritime trade sanctions compliance training programme has been designed to provide the participant with an in-depth understanding of the components and issues that form this complex web of activities. It covers the best practices for maritime trade sanctions compliance and focuses on interactive dialogue throughout, problem solving and the examination of case studies.

Who Will Benefit

  • Ship owners, managers and operators
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Insurers
  • Charterers
  • Vessel/cargo brokers
  • Bunker traders, craft operators
  • Flag administrators
  • Consignees (shippers, exporters, importers)
  • Terminal/ports operators
  • Inspectors
  • Maritime authorities
  • Law firms
  • 3PL, 4PL operators
  • Trade compliance service providers

Key Learning Objectives

  • Understand what a sanction is and why it is utilised in international maritime trade
  • Become familiar with the scope and powers of the various international trade sanction bodies and regimes
  • Recognise the key ‘red flags’ to look for in sanction evasion/non-compliance
  • Know what ‘piercing the corporate veil’ means and why it is so important to maritime trade sanctions compliance
  • Gain awareness of the methodologies utilised to make ship ownership anonymous
  • Be able to develop a sanctions compliance programme
  • Understand the due diligence process and what to look for
  • Have awareness of the different types of contractual sanction provisions that are commonly utilised internationally

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Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.

Bespoke training designed for your organisation only, combining traditional classroom setting, blended and online learning models

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Course Information

Instructional Delivery Method: In Person and Live Digital
Prerequisite & Advanced Preparation: Reading material will be sent prior to the course


Delivered by Christopher Lennon

Christopher Lennon is the Director of Stone Falcon Corporate and Legal Consulting Ltd – a company that works internationally based in Scotland, UK. Chris has 30 years’ experience within the oil, gas and power industry, specialising in contractual issues, commercial negotiation and dispute resolution.

Run this course in-house

Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.