12 - 15 May 2025
29 September - 2 October 2025
In-Person Training in London
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Day 2
Market Risk Overview
- Market factors: The main source of market risk, price variability/volatility, trends, gains and losses. Characteristics of markets and dynamics
- Dispersion, skew and tail risks
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Market participants, speculators, hedgers and arbitrageurs
- Marking to market with pricing models, dealing with illiquidity, position size and concentration. Valuation and transparency issues.
- Marking to market with pricing models
- Dealing with illiquidity, transaction costs and position sizes
Practical Workshop
Practical Workshop
Calculation of market values for fixed income instruments based on Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) models and real-life market data
Factor Sensitivity Analysis for Measuring Market Risk
- Calculating factor sensitivities for
- foreign exchange (FX or FOREX)
- equities
- bonds
- swaps
- options and other non- linear derivatives
Practical Workshop
Practical Workshop
Calculation of factor sensitivities. Example of managing a swap portfolio using factor sensitivity, duration and DV01matching
Monte Carlo Simulation
- Overview of the Monte Carlo simulation techniques
- Cholesky decomposition, covariance matrices and factorisation
Practical Workshop
Practical Workshop
Performing Cholesky decomposition on covariance matrix and using it for MC risk simulation of a derivatives portfolio
Market Value- at- Risk and Expected Shortfall
- Factor sensitivity: Limits of the approach
- VaR using variance/covariance method
- VaR using historic simulation
- VaR using Monte Carlo simulation
Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall Estimation for a Simple Portfolio
- Value- at- Risk limits
- Specific risk for equity and debt instruments
Additional Risk Measurement Methods
- Conditional VaR (CVAR or Expected Shortfall)
- Risks Not in VaR
- Which risks are modelable and which are not?
Practical Workshop
Practical Workshop
Conditional VaR (Expected Shortfall) estimation
Practical Workshop
Practical Workshop
Component VaR, Stress Testing - design and usage
Economic and Regulatory Capital for Market Risk
- Capital based on VaR and ES methodologies and the relationship to Basel Standard Rules
- Risk model validation and Back-testing
Managing Market Risk
- Natural hedges
- Linear hedges
- Nonlinear hedges
- Calculation of Deltas and foundations of Delta hedging
- The other greeks: Gamma, Theta & Co.
Practical Workshop
Practical Workshop
Delta Hedging of Equity Derivative portfolios in MS Excel
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