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MedTech Summit

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16 - 20 June 2025
Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin, Berlin, GermanyHybrid Event I Attend In-Person or Digitally

Daniel Delfosse
Vice Director, Head of Regulation & Innovation at Swiss Medtech


Daniel Delfosse is the Vice Director and Head of Regulation & Innovation at Swiss Medtech, the industry association representing and promoting the interests of the Swiss medical technology industry. In this role, he pursues the goal of maintaining Switzerland’s position as a leading hub for the medtech industry.

Daniel holds a degree in materials engineering from ETH Zurich and earned his doctorate at EPF Lausanne. Following a research stay at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, he transitioned into the medtech industry. For nearly two decades, he led R&D at a Swiss orthopaedics company, working at the intersection of regulation and innovation.

His mantra is "innovation despite regulation".

Agenda Sessions

  • Regulating Medical Devices in Switzerland


At this event