Miloš StojkovićSafety Process Director at RocheSpeaker
Miloš Stojković is a clinical safety professional, responsible for safety oversight of medical devices clinical trials.
Pharmacist by training with experience in regulatory compliance and quality principles related to post market surveillance and late development of medical devices. Currently engaged in safety oversight of clinical investigations in pre- and post-market space across geographies (incl. EU, China and the US) and devices types/classes. Areas of expertise include sponsor safety assessment, medical coding, safety signal validation and study design and conduct. He is a member of Serbian Institute for Standardisation (ISS) technical committee on medical devices and mirror to ISO/TC 194 where he is a national lead for ISO 14155:2020.
Agenda Sessions
(FDIS) ISO 14155:2025 - What to Expect from the Update of the Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
, 08:55View SessionPanel: Recent Updates on Real World Evidence
, 14:15View SessionMultistakeholder Perspective: Adverse Event Reporting
, 16:15View Session