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Market Research
Customer Service

NACCM 2010: Drive Business Performance: How Leaders Enable a Culture of Intelligent Execution

Posted by on 27 October 2010
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How do you differentiate from the competitor? Focus on great customer experience.

The core function of customer service is to deal with customers. Customer centricity is not a single department or function, but something that needs to persist across the organization. Everyone has to be able to understand customers: both their needs and their wants.

We have to understand customers, and how their perceive the issues. We should not only understand our customers, but understand who they are talking to and what they know. What does evidence play in making decisions?

Customer loyalty. They're loyal to you, but how loyal are you to them? Is it easy to engage with your customers? Within Hilton, 5% Loyalty increase resulted in a 1.1% revenue increase.

Innovation is a challenge. Know what customers need, even if they don't know what they need. Previously, Lego has been innovating, but not in a way that makes sense to their customer. They must understand their consumers, because the majority of their sales each year are on products that didn't exist the year before. They started to focus on their core customers, and they see results in their sales.

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