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NACCM 2010 Spotlight: "Loyalty for a Cause" with RecycleBank

Posted by on 12 October 2010
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Join Morley Ivers, Chief Rewards Officer, RecycleBank for the presentation,"Loyalty for a Cause: RecycleBank Champions the New Paradigm in Loyalty Marketing," at 9am on Monday, October 25th at the NACCM 2010 Loyalty & Social CRM Summit.

About the presentation:
The loyalty space is becoming increasingly crowded, but finding a way to cut through that clutter with a program that partners with cause-driven brands, rewards people for doing good and provides economic stimulus for all involved will help grow and retain membership, attract partners with common goals and ultimately shift consumer behavior. This session will highlight a new paradigm in loyalty marketing - "loyalty for a cause" - The RecycleBank Story.

It's not too late to join us for NACCM 2010 in Orlando, FL!

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