Stephanie Bristol,
The EPR Toolkit Seminar
Understanding the effects of the Circular Economy Package on industry and government
The EPR Toolkit Seminar
The Circular Economy Package, especially the new Waste Framework Directive and its contained regulations for Extended Producer Responsibility and Producer Responsibility Organizations, will bring drastic changes not only to many of the European Packaging Recovery Organizations, but also to obliged industries, to national governments, and to local authorities.
On one side, costs may increase as obliged industries cover the “entire” costs, on the other side, monitoring and enforcement should lead to a decrease of free riding, levelling the playing field and leading to a boost in the performance of many systems.
The EPR Toolkit Seminar will evaluate these changes and their effects on national systems and on obliged industries with leading experts, and will discuss how these new rules should be best implemented into national legislation.
Topics Covered Will Include:
• Ensuring reliable data collection and reporting
• The impact of higher targets, including the doubling of plastic targests and the special target for aluminium
• The payment of entire and optimised costs by industry
• Transparency
• Monitoring and enforcement
• Modulated fees to reflect inter alia recyclability
• Ensuring a level playing field in case of competition from an independent authority