Dr Arthur ten WoldeExecutive Director at Ecopreneur.eu, European Sustainable Business FederationSpeaker
Arthur ten Wolde is the executive director of Ecopreneur.eu, the European Sustainable Business Federation. Ecopreneur.eu represents about 5000 businesses in ten EU member states, mostly SMEs, which are committed to deliver sustainable products and services. Arthur is internationally recognized as a circular economy expert, motivational speaker, moderator, trainer, and author of reports and articles. He is a member of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Coordination Group (ECESP-CG) and Trainer Circular Design for CIRCO. Arthur worked earlier for various employers including the Dutch Industry Confederation VNO-NCW. He has a Ph.D. in experimental physics and is certified polymer technologist.
Agenda Sessions
Panel Discussion: Achieving Net-Zero in the Packaging Industry
, 14:20View Session