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PCC Canada 2025 - Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress Canada
June 2-3, 2025
The Omni King Edward Hotel | Toronto, ON


The PCC Canada Pharma & MedTech Compliance is hosted on Streamly, Informa's new video platform.

Streamly provides insight and analysis from the world’s leading experts, direct to your screen. Dive into Informa's rich network of specialists and search, skip and bookmark the videos you need to stay one step ahead.

Built with advanced search functionality and user experience that's made with you in mind.


What is Streamly?

As well as offering world-class video insights from across the industry, Streamly is also the official platform to catch up on PCC Canada 2025 wherever and whenever suits you.

Streamly makes it easy to find the sessions you may have missed during the event, or re-watch those you loved. The website lets you search by speaker, title of the presentation, company name or even find content that contains a buzzword that might be of interest to you.

Never miss a session again!

How do I access the PCC Canada conference videos?

If you attend PCC Canada in 2025, you will get access to the content on-demand after the event.

If you have logged into Streamly or an Informa Connect account before, you may use your previous password, or reset it using "Forgotten your password" to create a new one.

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World class insights from experts: Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress Canada 2025

Streamly gives you access to a library of top-level contributors discussing the latest trends affecting your industry. Nowhere else will you will hear from so many key stakeholders in the industry.

Get even more insights on compliance, legal and beyond!

Buy events on-demand - Coming Soon

Soon you will be able to purchase on-demand event videos from conferences you might have missed in the past and future conferences you may not be able to attend in person.

Explore a wide range of freely available Streamly videos

With hundreds of videos from bite-size explainers to exclusive in-depth interviews with global thought leaders, Streamly helps you to stay ahead of the conversation in your industry. Already live, Streamly covers some of the biggest knowledge areas with Marketing, Fintech, Insights and Innovations as well as Sustainability, Leadership and many more coming soon.