Are your items larger than the below dimensions?
Dimensions of the physical elevator: 4’ 6” W x 8’ 4” L x 7’ H
Move-In & Move-Out
Remember that PM Springfest is a 4.5 hour show with booths that are 6ft deep - therefore the amount of exhibit materials required for each display is significantly less than at The Buildings Show.
Move-In Schedule
To view the live and most up to date floorplan, click here.
Please review the below to plan your move-in for PM Springfest. We strongly recommend exhibitors bring their own dollies for move-in and move-out as there are limited dollies available to borrow onsite.
Option 1: The Day Before the Show: Wednesday April 23, 2025
- Park in the South Building Parking Garage and roll or carry your exhibit materials down to the show floor via the service elevators between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
- Please note that four-wheel dollies are not permitted to be used in the passenger elevators.
- Dollies can however be used in the service elevators. Security will be able to point in the direction of these when you arrive onsite.
Dimensions of the physical elevator: 4’ 6” W x 8’ 4” L x 7’ H
Load Capacity: 5000 lbs
Dimensions of the door entrances to the elevators: Bremner Blvd. Entrance (Double Glass Doors): 5’10” W x 7’8” H, Garage Parking Level Door: 5’10” W x 6’10”H, Hall F: 3’10” W x 7’2”H
Option 2: The Morning of the Show: Thursday April 24, 2025
- Park in the South Building Parking Garage and roll or carry your exhibit materials down to the show floor via the service elevators between 8:00 am and 9:00 am. Remember, booths MUST be set before the show opens at 9:30 am.
- Please note that four-wheel dollies are not permitted to be used in the passenger elevators.
- Dollies can however be used in the service elevators. Security will be able to point you in the direction of these when you arrive onsite.
Dimensions of the physical elevator: 4’ 6” W x 8’ 4” L x 7’ H
Load Capacity: 5000 lbs
Dimensions of the door entrances to the elevators: Bremner Blvd. Entrance (Double Glass Doors): 5’10” W x 7’8” H, Garage Parking Level Door: 5’10” W x 6’10”H, Hall F: 3’10” W x 7’2”H
Option 3: Exhibitors with Special Requirements - Truck Elevator Access
If you are not able to park and carry or wheel your exhibit materials down to the show floor due to their size, weight or volume, you will be required to move-in via the truck elevator the day before the show
See Move-In with Oversized Items below if you require the use of the truck elevator.
- Shipments to the Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre must be prepaid and scheduled to arrive no earlier than April 23, 2025 between 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
- Collect shipments, or those arriving prior to April 23, 2025 will NOT be accepted by the Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre staff.
- All deliveries to the Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre must be consigned in the following manner:
South Building
M5V 2T6
Move-In with Oversized Items
If you are not able to park and carry or wheel your exhibit materials down to the show floor due to their size, weight or volume, you will be required to move-in via the truck elevator the day before the show
- Only a limited number of vehicles can come into the elevator one at a time, therefore truck elevator access is pre-approved in order to gain access.
- Exhibitors who attempt to move-in through the truck elevator without prior approval from Show Management will be directed to stand by until space becomes available while the scheduled exhibitors move-in.
- Truck Access will ONLY be available the day before the show, Wednesday April 23, 2025 with timing confirmed on a case by case basis.
To secure Truck Elevator Access - Forward full details of your request to Maggie Roman, Operations Coordinator at by March 26, 2025 and include the following:
- Size of vehicle making the delivery.
- Description of the item(s) you are bringing into the show; is material handling required?
- How much time is required to offload?
You will receive a reply email from Show Management indicating the time that has been allotted to your company to access the truck elevator as confirmation. Please ensure the person making your delivery knows the company name and booth number when they arrive at the truck elevator.
Exhibitors who request Truck Elevator Access after March 26, 2025 will be directed to stand by and will be queued up to come through the truck elevator once there is space.
Exhibitor Appointed Contractors
It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure all exhibitor appointed contractors (EACs) or agents abide by all rules and regulations for PM Springfest, including the Guidelines for Exhibitor Appointed Contractors outlined below. We recommend all EACs review this manual to give them an overall picture of the show guidelines.
Exhibitors are required to notify Show Management of their intent to hire an EAC by submitting the online Intent to Hire an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) form prior to April 4, 2025. Exhibitors will require the EAC's Certificate of Insurance to complete the below form.
Exhibitors should make EACs aware of the guidelines to be followed as listed in the Booth Standards and Show Standards, as well as the points below:
- The EAC shall be given the right to provide services requested of them by an exhibitor in the set-up and dismantling on the show floor, and shall have the right to utilize qualified employees;
- These services shall not conflict with existing labour regulations or contracts, including exclusive services provided by the MTCC, ShowTech Power & Lighting and Freeman. In performing work for their clients, the EAC shall cooperate fully with the MTCC, ShowTech Power & Lighting and Freeman.
- The EAC shall possess a valid public liability and property damage insurance policy with minimum $5,000,000 in coverage. The Certificate of Insurance must name Informa Canada Inc. and the Metropolitan Toronto Convention Centre Corporation as additional insured. Exhibitors are required to obtain the EAC's Certificate of Insurance and submit it to Show Management via the online Intent to Hire an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor form prior April 4, 2025.
- The EAC shall have a true and valid work order from an exhibitor in advance of the show move-in date and shall not solicit business on the show floor, or during move-in or move-out dates.
- The EAC will be responsible, if applicable, for all reasonable costs related to the EAC’s work at the site. This may include overtime pay for stewards, restoration of the exhibit space to its initial condition, etc.
- The EAC shall abide by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its applicable regulations at all times during set-up and tear down. All workers MUST wear approved safety footwear at all times during move-in and move-out, regardless of their booth size or location on the show floor. Approved hard hats must be worn in booths where overhead work is being done. Full details can be found in the Health & Safety section of the exhibitor manual.
Move-Out begins once all attendees are off the show floor. Exhibitors must wait until 2:00 pm to begin packing up or dismantling any portion of their display.
Please note: packing up displays or dismantling your booth prior to 2:00 pm may effect approval to participate in future shows.
Option 1: Roll/Carry Exhibit Materials to Your Vehicle
- If you are able to roll or carry your exhibit materials safely to your vehicle, you can use the service elevators provided.
- Please be patient as all exhibitors will be attempting to leave at the same time and space in the service elevators is limited.
- Please note: passenger elevators are not to be used to transport freight.
Option 2: Truck Elevator Access
If you were scheduled for Truck Elevator Access for Move-In, you will be scheduled for truck elevator access for move-out.
- Move-Out times will be assigned ahead of the show.
- Once your exhibit materials are packed and ready to go, check-in with the truck elevator staff who will clear you to bring your vehicle down the elevator;
- Leave your exhibit materials in your booth until your vehicle has come down the elevator. Once it has arrived, you may bring your items to the Truck Elevator to be loaded.
- Exhibitors who have not secured prior truck elevator access approval and who attempt to move-out using the truck elevator will be redirected and queued up until exhibitors with pre-approval have moved out.
Stranded Freight
- All exhibit materials must be removed from the show floor no later than 4:00 PM on April 24, 2025.
- If any part of an exhibit is left behind, it will be shipped out of the building through Freeman at the expense of the exhibitor.