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28 - 30 April 2025, Live in Central London
28 - 30 April 2025, Live in Central London

Renewable & Green Energy Project Finance

A practical guide to the wide array of different renewable technologies and their impact on project finance structures

Sign up now for the Renewable & Green Energy Project Finance training course

Power project finance (which is dominated by renewable energy) is now well over 50% of the entire project finance market and has become the dominant industrial sector.

This course will teach you about the fundamental building blocks of project finance and how the market has adapted to the dynamics of the renewable energy industry. Once you have gained, or reinforced, an understanding of the building blocks, you’ll look at the differing renewable technologies and their impact on project finance structures.

Learn how to

  • Appreciate the outlook of lenders in project finance and the risk vs. reward position of debt financiers
  • Master risk identification, risk allocation and risk mitigation techniques that are incorporated in renewable energy project finance
  • Use the key technical aspects of the renewal power sector and incorporate your insight on the changing structure of the industry

Case studies and practical sessions

  • Exercise - Renewable Energy Auction
    The group will be arranged into small teams and asked to review the assumptions and output of a simplified Cashflow Model. They will be asked to review the inputs with a view to submitting a bid for a renewable Energy Project
  • Case Studies
    Three Offshore Wind Farms - Review the evolution of the technology and how lenders have become increasingly comfortable with the construction and operational risks in the sector the technology has developed. The cases will illustrate the effects of competition (between lenders) in the sector and how structures have changed

Why choose IFF?

  • TRACK RECORD – we have over 30 years of experience in providing training to the banking, finance and energy sectors
  • KNOWLEDGE – all of our trainers are highly experienced practitioners and leading subject matter experts
  • VALUE – we provide a practical training experience with skills that can be used immediately

Past delegate

Renewable Energy Project Finance

Brillaint three days spent scrutinising the latest financing structures, how they are changing and how to make them able to cope with today's challenges. I especially appreciated the trainer's industry experience.




Delivery Type





28 Apr 2025

3 days



In Person

London, UK, Live in Central London




Book by 25 March
to save £309.00

  • 28 Apr 2025

    3 days, Europe/London


    In Person

    London, UK, Live in Central London

    Language: English



    Book by 25 March
    to save £309.00


Run this course in-house

International Faculty of Finance's customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.

CPD certified

Engaging in Continuing Professional Development ensures that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete; allowing individuals to continually ‘up skill’ or ‘re-skill’, regardless of occupation, age or educational level. This course has been assessed and is CPD certified.