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4 - 7 November 2025
Hotel OkuraAmsterdam

Simon von Oppenheim
Director of European Investor Relations at 747 Capital


Simon joined 747 Capital in 2023. Based in Switzerland, he is responsible for European investor relations, marketing, and business development. Simon started his career in 1993 as a credit analyst at Banque Indosuez. In 1996, he moved to New York and worked at Sal. Oppenheim jr & Cie as an equity broker. Prior to joining 747 Capital, Simon worked for 14 years within Deutsche Bank's group of companies in London & Geneva. There, his latest position was as a director of the Private Wealth Management division active as an alternative’s investment specialist. Simon holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.

Simon von Oppenheim's Network

Agenda Sessions

  • The dichotomy of the emerging manager
