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SuperReturn Emerging Markets
16-18 June, 2025
Hotel OkuraAmsterdam

Matthew K. McLean
President & Owner at Endsight Consulting


Matthew McLean is founder and president of Endsight Consulting LLC of Washington DC. He guides Western companies seeking new business in frontier and emerging markets, including for infrastructure and financing. Matt advises government leaders on policy reform to increase a country’s competitiveness to attract foreign investment.

Endsight produces an annual report than measures and ranks the business environment of 75 mid-level markets globally. The Country Performance Index (CPI) uses 36 international indicators that assess business conditions, financial factors, and governance. CPI is a comprehensive tool that enables a deep-dive evaluation to develop strategies to take advantages of opportunities and mitigate risks in each market. (Endsight has a companion CPI ranking of all 54 African countries.)

Prior to creating Endsight, Matt served 20 years in senior positions in the US Government. He was a White House staff advisor on international development for President Clinton and President Bush. He was the Chief of Staff and Vice President at the Millennium Challenge Corporation. He was an advisor to the USAID Administrator and a profession staff member in the US Congress overseeing US foreign assistance.

Between government service and establishing Endsight, Matt led the creation of bids proposals to win large US and international contracts.

Matt has served on several boards, including the Advisory Committee for the US Trade Representative, the Advisory Committee for the US Export-Import Bank, and the Society for International Development.

He earned a Masters degree in International Relations and a Bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. He is married with five children.

Matthew K. McLean's Network

Agenda Sessions

  • Keynote: Emerging Markets: a geo-macro whirlwind
