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SuperReturn Emerging Markets
16-18 June, 2025
Hotel OkuraAmsterdam

Philip Walker
Managing Partner at Forestart


Philip Walker is Managing Partner at Forestart, focused on next generation high-growth venture capital funds in emerging markets. Previously, he was Partner and Head of Fund Investments at Obviam, leading PE and VC fund investments for Switzerland’s development finance institution and other clients. From 2010 to 2023, his team deployed more than USD 600M across more than 60 emerging market funds. Philip is a Senior Fellow at the University of Zurich CSP, Senior Advisor to First Circle Capital, and takes on various consulting mandates. Earlier, he worked at the United Nations where he helped launch the Principles for Responsible Investment, sparking the global ESG movement.

Agenda Sessions

  • Navigating VC valuations, setbacks and scaling
