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SuperReturn Emerging Markets
16-18 June, 2025
Hotel OkuraAmsterdam

Rodrigo Villar Esquivel
Founding Partner at New Ventures Group


Following his purpose of transforming the private sector into one that contributes to solving the most pressing social and environmental issues, Rodrigo has been instrumental in developing the Impact Investing Ecosystem. Rodrigo is the Founding Partner of New Ventures Group, the leading Impact Investment organization across Latin America. Rodrigo is also the founder of Adobe Capital, New Ventures Capital, VIWALA, Las Paginas Verdes the Ecofest, and the FLII (Latin America Impact Investing Forum). Rodrigo is the Chair of the Mexico Impact Investing Alliance and serves on the Board of Trustees at the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG). Rodrigo received an MBA from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Management from the Tecnologico de Monterrey. Rodrigo is also a columnist sharing his Impact Investing learnings and experiences on CNN Expansion.

Rodrigo Villar Esquivel's Network

Agenda Sessions

  • What’s the latest, Latin America?
