Clement BeaudinManaging Director at Ares ManagementSpeaker
Clement Beaudin is a Managing Director in the Ares Secondaries Group, where he focuses on private equity secondaries. Prior to joining Ares in 2022, Mr. Beaudin was a Vice President at Spring Bridge Partners, where he focused on sourcing and executing private equity secondary transactions. Previously, Mr. Beaudin was an Investment Manager at Coller Capital, where he focused on underwriting and executing new private equity secondary investments. In addition, Mr. Beaudin was an Analyst at Riverstone Holdings, where he focused primarily on performance and valuation analysis. Mr. Beaudin began his career as an Associate at KPMG Advisory where he focused on mergers and acquisitions and valuations. Mr. Beaudin holds a B.S. from the University of Lyon 1 in Business Administration and an M.Sc. from EMLYON Business School in Management. He is a CFA® charterholder.
Agenda Sessions
Reaching new heights: the growth of the European secondaries market
, 09:10View Session