Chris KapteinManaging Partner at Integra PartnersSpeaker
Chris is a Managing Partner at Integra Partners, investing where profit meets purpose.
Integra Partners is a Singapore-based venture capital firm with $150 million in assets under management, investing across five main themes that leverage technology and financial services: SME enablement, financial inclusion, healthcare, agri-food, and the environment and climate.
On behalf of Integra Partners, Chris is a Board Director of ProCredit Financing Corp, Sirius Technologies, Elfie, Brankas and Flow. Chris is also an observer on the boards of Sprout Solutions, Advance and Jirnexu.
Chris is based in Singapore. Prior to moving there in 2015, Chris spent 10 years in Shanghai and Hong Kong in various investment roles. Chris holds a MSc in Econometrics from Maastricht University.