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Sustainability & ESG in Taxation
19 - 20 November 2024
The Bloomsbury HotelLondon, UK

Joris Nijhuis
Partner Transfer Pricing at TAXTIMBRE


Joris has over 14 years of transfer pricing experience. He has seen the challenges and opportunities in implementing transfer pricing models for both large and small companies. Joris helps clients translating complex business models to well structured transfer pricing models including operating manuals and process descriptions, assuring that tax processes are aligned and directly linked to finance and control processes and ERP and EPM systems. To break down complex systems into explainable models and business processes, he understands that successful implementation requires awareness and buy-in from various teams within the organization, including tax, finance, business control, legal, human resources, sales and local management teams. Joris is convinced that with the rise of ESG reporting requirements and increased tax/TP reporting requirements, it is vital for companies to align their data information systems and align their tax and ESG processes to be able to efficiently navigate this (fragmented) reporting landscape.

Agenda Sessions

  • The Role of Self-Regulation, Cooperative Tax Compliance, and Tax Administrations
