Taking Control of Control Groups
Eric Callahan is Director, Performance Analytics at American Express. He's also a presenter at the Marketing Analytics & Data Science Conference on June 8-10, 2016 in San Francisco, California.
Eric Callahan: It may sound clich, but the most important thing is support from your executive leaders. There are a ton of moving parts involved in doing measurement correctly (set-up, design, execution, analytics, etc.) so you need a strong mandate that all parties align with the initiative. If even one cog in the wheel is not moving in the same direction as the others, the whole operation is compromised.
EC: Different industries may have different marketing tactics and goals, but the fundamental principles of good measurement will not change. However, there may be minor differences in how these principles are put into practice.
EC: The strength of a business' measurement strategy directly correlates to the quality of insight that it generates from testing. If a company does not institute a solid measurement strategy, it will pay the opportunity cost of insights left on the table. In a worst case scenario, it may come to false conclusions and take harmful strategic actions.
EC: Attendees will learn about different types of control groups, what each type is used for, and how to design a program so these are all working together to create a comprehensive measurement suite. We will also cover how to address common implementation challenges.
Brilliance@Work profile originally published on www.starrybluebrilliance.com
Peggy L. Bieniek, ABC is an Accredited Business Communicator specializing in corporate communication best practices.
Connect with Peggy on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and on her website at www.starrybluebrilliance.com.