300+ decision-makers. 300+ business opportunities.
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Who attends?
Connect with 300+ senior decision makers including:
- Bank special assets and credit professionals
- Private equity funds
- Lawyers
- Turnaround firms
- Receivers
- Auction groups
- Loan sales advisors
- Service providers
- And more!

A snapshot of attending banks this year:
- Amerant Bank
- Axos Bank
- Bank of America, N.A.
- BCB Community Bank
- BOC Bank
- BankUnited
- Berkshire Bank
- City National Bank
- Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- First Bank of the Lake
- First Central Savings Bank
- Foundation Bank
- FT Bank
- IDB Bank
- International Finance Bank
- M&T Bank
- Locality Bank
- Lake City Bank
- Northeast Bank
- Ocean Bank
- Sunstate Bank
- Silicon Valley Bank
- TD Bank
- The Mint National Bank
- TBK Bank
- U.S. Century Bank
- Seacoast Bank
- Valley National Bank
- Webster Bank
- Optimum Bank