The emerging managers playbook: How do you establish yourself across US and Europe?

At SuperInvestor 2024, we launched The Emerging Manager Stage, which brought together seasoned and emerging LPs and GP to uncover everything you need to know about emering managers within private markets. They covered everything from the difference between the US and Europe, balancing innovation and a healthy track record, how LPs weigh up the need for alpha and innovation with the need to de-risk emerging managers as well as motivations, challenges and lessons from a spinout.
We're excited to bring you an exclusive interview with Kee Rabb, Managing Director, Apogem Capital, who shares her LP experience and gives the ultimate guide to emerging managers, from getting LPs on board to finding the right opportunities. Learn about the distinctions between allocative practices for emerging managers in the US and Europe, how emerging managers can distinguish themselves, the importance of team dynamics, improved performance metrics, and the alignment of interests.