The Power of Moments: Break the Script and Make Lasting Impressions

Customers can have powerful moments during their consumptive experiences. A moment is a critical incident or experience that is memorable and has a lasting impression. Moments stand out because customers are positively impacted, transformed, or changed. These powerful moments are not created by companies wishing and hoping, but by intentionally planning for and creating lasting moments for consumers. Companies who create powerful moments for their customers break the script by taking a common experience they offer, thinking outside of the box, and making people remember it.
The Power of Moments
This concept is based on Dan and Chip Heath’s book, “The Power of Moments.” I recently saw Dan speak at a conference as the keynote. Most keynotes who are authors follow a standard script: catch the audiences’ attention, deliver an engaging presentation with their key messages, leave conference attendees with inspiring words of wisdom, and encourage attendees to purchase their book at the conference bookstore. Dan followed the script for the most part, but then he broke the script and turned it on its head. He gave every single conference attendee a free copy of his book and in doing so, created a powerful positive moment for a lot of people. So much so, I’m here reminiscing fondly about this moment months later.
The Ritz-Carlton: Making A Moment that Lasts
To make powerful moments, companies must infuse creativity into the experiences they offer, even those that seem standard or mundane. For example, it’s common for hotel customers to mistakenly leave behind a personal belonging. A family with a small boy who stayed at a Ritz-Carlton forgot the boys favorite stuffed animal, a Giraffe named Joshie. They called the Ritz, had staff find the stuffed animal, and asked to have it mailed to them as soon as possible. They made a small request for the Ritz to send them a quick photo of the giraffe, so the boy would know his stuffed animal was safe. While this seems like a standard customer service experience, the Ritz-Carlton went above and beyond. They created a whole scrapbook of pictures featuring Joshie the giraffe going to the spa, hanging out at the pool, riding a golf cart, and hanging out in his room. This small act created a powerful moment for the family and a positive impression of the Ritz-Carlton brand.
Key Takeaway
How can your company create powerful moments for your consumers? Be creative. Take a deep look at the variety of experiences you offer and ask yourself if there’s an opportunity to break the script and create a powerful moment with a lasting impression.