Saudi Arabia
The Saudi private equity revolution: Insights from Jadwa Investment

The year had hardly begun, before the first event of SuperReturn 2025 had kicked off, and what an event it was. SuperReturn Saudi Arabia 2025, in strategic partnership with Jada Fund of Funds, took over the Fairmont in Riyadh in January, bringing together regional and international private market leaders to explore one of the most promising regions in the world. During the event we spoke to some of the leading figures on private markets in the GCC, to give you a bite-sized overview of the regions biggest opportunities, how to get started as an international investor and what the future might hold.
In this interview, we speak to Tariq Al-Sudairy, Managing Director and CEO, Jadwa Investment, who delves into Jadwa's strategic principles for private equity investing in Saudi Arabia. Learn about the importance of partnerships, what prospects blind pool funds might hold and how he expects Saudi Arabia's vision 2030 to impact the future of private markets in the region.