This Week In Market Research: 2/16/15 - 2/20/15

Factories of The Future: The value of dark data
Seeking Social ROI? You might be missing the point, focusing on enabling your business via social media
Make Innovate Your Default Setting: 3 Tips on nonstop innovation
Banks Are Finally Embracing New Ways To Ward Off Hackers: Employing biometrics and other security
In a World of Constantly Deleted Apps, Using Cash to Keep People Coming Back: 80% of app users deleted them after two uses
Big Data in Retail: Winning with predictive analytics
Twitter Goes Global To Attract Developers: The world tour to woo companies and bloggers to build new products
The CIO Can't Afford Ignorance of Big Data Tech: The mistake of not knowing big data
Marketing Trends: Storytelling, people are tired of being 'sold to'
Bridging The Screen Gap: Strategies to help brands reach consumers on multiple screens
writer concentrating his focus on Marketing, Finance and Innovation. He can be
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