This Week In Market Research: 6/29/15 - 7/3/15

Cannes Lions 2015 Social Insights: The top tweets and trends from this year
The Blessing And The Curse Of Big Data: It's what infrastructure is really for
Gut Check: Are You Using Social Media For Consumer Insights?
Subway Sinks Teeth Into New Marketing Campaign: SMS mobile campaign for local and national from a s single platform
6 Strategies For Marketing Your Retail Business Online
Can Big Data Survive Big Brother Hysteria? Highlighting privacy concerns
Mobile Marketing Trends Dominating 2015: 9 Trends from video ads to tracking ROI
How A $0 Marketing Budget Bought A Fortune In Athlete Endorsements: Mizzen and Main's story
When To Cut Your Losses On A Marketing Campaign: Marketing is equal parts science and art
Social Listening Hampered By Sentiment Models: An imperfect practice
writer concentrating his focus on Marketing, Finance and Innovation. He can be
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