Cory HillierSenior Counsel Tax Law at IMF
Cory Hillier is appointed as Senior Counsel in the Legal Department of the IMF. Cory provides advice in relation to taxation in the context of IMF technical assistance, surveillance and financial assistance programs. He provides tax law design and drafting assistance to IMF member countries in all major areas of tax law, including international tax. He is also extensively involved in the IMF’s legal and international tax policy work, including through the Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) established by the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank. Cory has: (i) designed and drafted major tax law reforms in IMF member countries that became flagship reforms under their IMF supported financial assistance programs; (ii) participated in IMF surveillance missions to mainstream international tax issues in IMF discussions with its member countries; and (iii) been a key contributor to a number of IMF global policy outputs, including several G20 mandated toolkits published by the PCT.
Agenda Sessions
Current Status of Implementation Across Major Economies & Low Tax Jurisdictions
, 3:20pmView SessionGlobal TP Policy Developments - Policy Makers’ Outlook for 2026 & Beyond
, 9:25amView Session