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TP Minds Americas
Main Summit: February 18 - 19, 2025
Pillar 2 Summit: February 17, 2025
Conrad Fort LauderdaleFlorida

Daniel Kou
Partner, Transfer Pricing at DOANE GRANT THORNTON


Daniel is a transfer pricing partner and economist with 15 years of practice specializing in a variety of tax and transfer pricing matters. He assists clients with transfer pricing planning, implementation, documentation, and supports clients throughout the entire tax authority examination process at the field audit, appeals, Competent Authority, and tax court levels in a litigation support capacity. Daniel works closely with his tax and global transfer pricing colleagues to provide clients with a holistic cross-border tax and transfer pricing strategy. This includes advising clients on their transfer pricing structure from a risk-mitigation and tax-efficiency perspective, while taking into consideration the implications from a commercial, legal, and tax perspective. Daniel has extensive experience assisting clients with global expansion planning, business restructuring and supply chain management, transfer pricing due diligence for M&A activity, and general transfer pricing risk management. He has also developed and reviewed complex financial analysis models such as receivables factoring and securitization, multivariate stock pricing, Monte Carlo simulations and cross-border financing arrangements.

Agenda Sessions

  • The North American TP Landscape – Canada, Mexico, the US
