Two-year delay for Ballast Water Management Convention

This article was originally posted on Lloyd's List.
Shipowners will have at least two more years to comply with the Ballast Water Management Convention after the International Maritime Organization yielded to overwhelming demand for an extension just two months before the convention's entry into force.
The Marine Environment Protection Committee 71, the IMO’s decision-making body on environmental pollution regulation, officially signed off on the amendments on Friday, after the plenary expressed its support for the amendment earlier in the week.
Although the convention will come into force on September 8, 2017, under the latest amendments, vessels already built will have to install a ballast water management system by their first International Oil Pollution Prevention renewal survey after September 8, 2019.
Read the full article on Lloyd's List.
For more information on ballast water management solutions, join us at the BWMTech Conference this December in London.