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UCITS & AIFMD Luxembourg
Returning 18 June 2025

Daniel Capocci
CEO at Farad Investment Management


Passionate individual who spent his entire career in the asset management industry. Daniel started his career by selecting hedge funds and managing traditional and alternative portfolios. This is also when he finalize his PhD on “The Analysis of Hedge Fund Strategies” and his books on hedge funds. From there, he embraced an opportunity within a large UK-based asset management team where he was managing of a series of funds including private banking money. More recently, Daniel spent a couple of years within a large consulting company in Luxembourg and a management company where he held a regulated senior function. In 2021, he took over the leadership of the Luxembourg-based FARAD Group and the role of CEO of FARAD Investment Management, an investment firm. His ambition is to rebuild a strong service offering, a stronger brand and to promote sustainable investments.

Agenda Sessions

  • How are operational models transforming in Luxembourg?
