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24 - 25 September 2024
London, UK

Peter Westaway
Independent Economist and Investment Strategist at Former Bank of England, HM Treasury


Peter Westaway has enjoyed a successful career in government and the City as an economist and financial markets analyst. Peter has established a strong reputation for communicating complex ideas in a straightforward, easy-to-understand and entertaining manner. And he can help audiences interpret the twists and turns of the economic news cycle, demystify market movements and explain what it all means for portfolio decisions.

Peter’s expertise is wide-ranging with particular expertise in monetary policy, central bank behaviour and the implications of government fiscal policy for the real economy and financial markets. He is also well schooled in the implications of climate change for the economy and financial markets.

Peter has held senior positions at the Bank of England (1996-2003), Nomura (2009-2001), Vanguard Asset Management (2011-2022) and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (1987-1996). He started his career in HM Treasury. In 2003, he was seconded to HM Treasury where he advised on the Brown government’s Five Tests Assessment on the UK’s membership of the euro area. He received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Cambridge in 1985.

Peter has written numerous articles on various aspects of macroeconomics and economic policymaking. He authored two influential background papers to the Five Tests Assessment of euro membership.

Peter is a frequent economics commentator on the BBC, Bloomberg and CNBC. He is able to communicate effectively with audiences ranging from school and university students to financial advisers and institutional money managers.

Agenda Sessions

  • Navigating unpredictable economic environments: Monetary and fiscal perspectives
