Byron ChardPresident & CEO at Chard Development Ltd.Speaker
Byron Chard is President & Chief Executive Officer of Chard Development Ltd, an urban real estate development firm established in 1994. As President & Chief Executive Officer, Byron has continued to extend the company’s focus beyond market condominium development to also include purpose-built rental, affordable home ownership, strata commercial and hotel development in Victoria, Vancouver and North Vancouver. To date, Chard has delivered over 1,700 homes with over 3,100 more homes, of which a majority are rental, and two hotel projects in the development and construction phase. Chard continues to expand its vertical integration and strategic partnerships to deliver a diversity of homes and community spaces including property management and asset management to service large scale purpose built rental communities.
Agenda Sessions
D2 - Development Roundtable: Strategic thinkers look at the most significant challenges, trends, risks and opportunities for investors, owners, and developers across Vancouver
, 2:10pmView Session