Cyrus NavabiPresident at Qualex LandmarkSpeaker
Cyrus Navabi is the President of Qualex-Landmark™ group. For over 30 years, Qualex-Landmark™ has been developing wood-frame and concrete high-rise communities in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia and Alberta. Today, they have over 1000 homes under construction, including a mix of condo, market rental, and below-market rental housing across multiple municipalities. They have partnered successfully with non-profits and local governments to develop non-market housing for at-risk communities. Cyrus is a member of the Board of Directors of the Urban Development Institute. At Qualex-Landmark™, he oversees project acquisitions, financing, development, as well as their growing in-house asset management team.
Agenda Sessions
A look at the multi-residential market across Vancouver and the Lower Mainland: how is the industry navigating the challenges?
, 11:00amView Session