Voices of Biotech Episode 5: Lara Silverman Talks Mentorship
In the latest episode of Voices of Biotech, brought to you by, BioProcess Insider Expression Platform, Lara Silverman sheds some light on career paths, mentorship, and taking ownership of your own development.
“Mentorship is our key to digging ourselves out of this hole of not having women in leadership,” Lara Silverman says.
Hear Lara discuss DE&I in the cell and gene therapy space, emphasising the goal to get to a place where diversity is naturally embedded into company culture without the need for continuous conversation.
She shares her experience and advice on mentoring, highlighting the benefits to be gained from both sides of the relationship. When selecting a mentor, Silverman emphasises the importance to find someone outside of your organisation for an unbiased perspective and with a shared experience or history to you; “the challenges you are facing have been faced before.”
Silverman runs a live monthly webinar series, I Wish I Had Known, creating a safe space and environment for women in the cell and gene therapy space to discuss the challenges of the industry.
The latest episode can be found below or through the BioProcess Insider Expression Platform at, Spotify, Apple iTunes, Google podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.