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Western Canada Apartment Investment Conference
Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Vancouver Convention Centre (West)Vancouver Real Estate Forum Chairs’ Reception – April 22

Championing sustainability

We are committed to running events that are both environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. Here is a breakdown of how we are embedding sustainability in everything we do at the conference.

Faster Forward with Informa

FasterForward is Informa’s approach to sustainability, moving faster to become a zero waste and net zero carbon business.

A series of activities and commitments carried out between 2020-2025 will ensure our events become ever more sustainable, delivering a truly positive impact to the markets we serve. We will also actively help our partners, customers and wider markets to achieve the same. Our FasterForward commitments include:

  • Become carbon neutral across our events by 2025
  • Halve the waste generated through our events by 2025
  • Embed sustainability inside 100% of our events by 2025

See the full list of commitments and find out more >>

How are we building a sustainable event?

We believe a sustainable event focuses on three main aims...

Social responsibility

We want the Western Canada Apartment Investment Conference to be run in a socially responsible manner. To do so, we are focusing on:

  • Doing business safely and ethically
  • Considering well-being and accessibility
  • Creating a positive impact on our host cities and measuring our impacts
  • Supporting sponsors and partners in donating to local and industry-related charities

Environmental responsibility

The Western Canada Apartment Investment Conference will be run in an increasingly environmentally responsible manner, focusing on:

  • Reducing carbon footprint by purchasing renewable energy
  • Encouraging attendees to bring reusable water bottles to fill from hydration stations associated with the event.
  • Decomposable name badge holders and recycling lanyards
  • Creating less waste by reducing printed programs and offering reusable giveaways from exhibitor stands and media partners
  • Considering sustainability credentials for every item sourced for the event

Sustainable development

Our aim is for the Western Canada Apartment Investment Conference to promote long-term sustainable development - in the way that we run the event but also in how it's implemented in the market as a whole. We are committing to:

  • Using our content to support the sustainability initiatives of the real estate market
  • Developing close partnerships with charities, companies, and associations and giving them a platform to promote their work in the field
  • Facilitating discussions on pertinent topics including ESG, sustainability, impact investing, diversity & inclusion, gender balance, & more.