What challenges are risk managers facing in Asia, Europe, and America?

RiskMinds around the world review their greatest challenges and share their vision for the future.
In this latest edition of the RiskMinds eMagazine, we hear from Karen Tan, Chief Risk Officer, Reinsurance Asia, Swiss Re and Frankie Phua, Head of Group Risk Management, UOB who share their vision for sustainable growth in Asia and the role of financial institutions in addressing climate change. From the Americas, Jing Zou, Managing Director, Enterprise Model Risk Management, Royal Bank of Canada joined us for a Q&A to discuss the latest in model risk management in the new era of risk, while in Europe, we were joined by Katherine Wolicki, Global Head Financial and Model Risk Regulatory Policy and Engagement, HSBC to talk about the future of regulatory development post-Brexit. Moreover, we hear from Ebbe Negenman, Chief Risk Officer, Knab on the future of credit risk, and in a Q&A with Dr. Marcus Chromik, Chief Risk Officer & Board Member, Commerzbank AG, we get an overview of the key strategic issues on the horizon.