Why Aromatherapy is Making Its Way to Hospitals

The Power Of Essential Oils?
In a world dominated by prescription medication and synthetic treatments, there is a surprising turn to aromatherapy and organic treatments that have become more and more popular each year. With many patients seeking more organic forms of treatments, aromatherapy has finally entered hospitals. Many patients tote the powerful properties that certain scents provide. While some research still has to be performed to see just how effective aromatherapy is, those that have been conducted already have displayed that using essential oils in aromatherapy have had a positive reaction for patients. If this trend continues, it may not be strange at all to be able to ask for aromatherapy treatments over other standard treatments.
What Are Essential Oils?
Perhaps you've heard the term essential oils but you're not entirely sure what it means. Essential oils are harvested from various fruits, flowers, seeds, and leaves in order to extract the aroma that they provide. Enough is extracted to make a concentrated and potent oil. This oil can then be rubbed in certain places on the body, used as a spray, can simply be breathed in, or can be added to bath water or lotions.
The science behind aromatherapy believes that the scents send off messages to certain receptors in your brain. By receiving messages from those receptors, the brain then reacts accordingly. So, for example, in the case of lavender, it may trigger the receptors for calm and soothing in the brain. This, in response, makes you feel at ease and even sleepy.
For those essential oils that are actually applied to the skin, the organic properties that reside within the oil are thought to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. In a time where antibiotics are becoming less and less effective against certain illnesses and diseases, these powerful antibacterial properties of essential oils could prove to be a new secret to fight off disease. Or, at the very least, they could provide the patient with relief from its symptoms.
What Can Essential Oils Help With?
If you're thinking about taking a more natural approach to your health, then you may wonder what essential oils can actually assist you with. Since there is no shortage of plants and their scents, new essential oils are being discovered still yet today. However, some of the staples revolve around stress, pain, and nausea.
As mentioned earlier, lavender can be a powerful essential oil for alleviating stress and feeling calm. Many patients typically use lavender on their wrists, spray the scent on their pillows, or even take regular baths with lavender-laced water. The scent alone is quite soothing and can relax your body and mind after a stressful day. Lavender has also been said to have physically soothing properties, too. So, if you ever have a scratch, cut, or you're even suffering from a sunburn, then you may want to apply lavender to those areas of inflammation. The soothing effects of the oil can provide relief.
Finally, lavender has also been shown to help reduce anxiety. Both in pets and in humans, the scent and use of topical lavender oil can ease the nerves and fear that are often associated with anxiety. For patients who are uncomfortable with hospitals and doctors, the use of lavender can be a great benefit.
To deal with nausea brought on by cancer, pregnancy, or just feeling ill in general, many patients have used lavender, chamomile, and even peppermint in their aromatherapy to alleviate the symptoms. Many found that the use of these particular essential oils helped reduce their nausea and increase their appetite. For those who suffer from the symptoms of chemotherapy, essential oils can be given to alleviate their suffering in a clean and organic way.
If you are interested in trying aromatherapy, grab your essential oils from Young Living instead of doTERRA for better results. For cleaner and natural treatment options, consider essential oils.