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Winnipeg Real Estate Forum
2026 Dates & Venue TBD
Winnipeg, Canada

Become a sponsor

550+ senior leaders | 170+ building owners, developers and investors

Contact for more information

550+ senior decision makers. 550+ business opportunities.

Be seen.

Make sure your company stands out at the Winnipeg Real Estate Forum.

We provide the platform to connect with hundreds of senior decision-makers. Tell us your business goals. We'll help you achieve them.

Be heard.

Speak at the 2024 forum and share your story with 550+ industry leaders. Interact with the attendees and gain new leads and prospects.

Meet and network

Join 550+ senior attendees from across the real estate industry. You won't get a better chance to generate new business from the people you value most.

Reach the Canadian real estate community all year round

Engage senior leaders and decision-makers all year round via Real Estate Forums Portal and digital products.

Winnipeg Real Estate Forum by the numbers


senior decision-makers


C-level and V-level attendees


building owners, developers, and investors


from financial institutions


expert speakers

insightful sessions

Why sponsor the forum?

You can gain maximum corporate exposure through sponsorship with measurable ROI. The Winnipeg Real Estate Forum can help sponsors with:

  • Developing new business with real estate, property management, and financial institutions
  • Networking with hard-to-access executives, owners, and decision-makers
  • Set your company as a thought leader in the real estate space
  • Reinforcing or increasing your brand awareness as the leader in the Canadian real estate industry

Championing sustainability as a sponsor

We are committed to creating a more sustainable event and believe your sponsorship can too! While we encourage less material waste at events, there are also sponsorship opportunities to align your brand with sustainable and social impact initiatives including:

  • Reusable water bottles
  • Sustainable bags
  • Eco-friendly journals
  • and more!

Contact the Sponsorship team to find out more!

Akash Bedi

Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board President

Re/Max Executives Realty

"Excellent event to meet & network with Manitoba's real estate developers, financiers, commercial realtors, and learn about emerging trends issues and forecasts for our province. Worth every penny of the cost of registration!"

Get in touch

Tell us your business goals and we will help you achieve them.

If you’re interested in any of the sponsorship packages below, please contact:

Ben Carson
Mobile: (604) 789 8267
Direct: (416) 945 0313