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Winnipeg Real Estate Forum
2026 Dates & Venue TBD
Winnipeg, Canada

Speaker Video Series 2022

This exclusive speaker video series, made possible by sponsor generosity, features interviews with senior executives across the real estate industry.

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In the series, executives provide their synopsis of major themes, issues and conclusions reached on key market trends. They address challenges and opportunities seen ahead. The videos are recorded live at face-to-face events and immediately following virtual events. To watch more speakers video series from this and other events, we invite you to click here.

Listen to these 2022 forum speakers share their insights

Diane Gray, President & CEO, CentrePort Canada

Jim Ludlow, President, True North Real Estate Development

Kim Riley, Chief Operating Officer, Artis REIT

Gregory Rogers, Chief Executive Officer, UM Properties

What is your outlook for the performance of the Winnipeg real estate market over the next twelve months?

What are the most significant risks and challenges that you foresee?

Are there also some good opportunities for investment, development and growth over the next twelve months?

To what extent has the pandemic affected your business and how did you address it?