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Winnipeg Real Estate Forum
2026 Dates & Venue TBD
Winnipeg, Canada

Suvir Haripersad
Sr. Managing Director, Mortgage Investments at Canada Life


Suvir leads the Portfolio Management team and is the Portfolio Manager responsible for segregated mortgage fund investments within Canada Life’s Mortgage Investment Division. In this role Suvir is responsible for developing portfolio strategies, managing individual asset origination, portfolio performance and directing at a portfolio level the operations of the division.

Suvir has over 20 years of experience in capital markets real estate investment management, with exposure to corporate strategy, asset management, operations, acquisitions and dispositions.

Prior to joining Canada Life, Suvir held senior management roles with financial institutions headquartered in South Africa and the UK.

An involved community member, serving as Chair on the board of Literacy Works for nine years, a not-for-profit organization focused on improving adult literacy instruction as an essential life skill. Suvir also serves as an Impact Mentor with RBC Future Launch and Canada Life’s BPOC employee resource group providing mentorship in their career development.

Agenda Sessions

  • Debt and financing, what’s available now, what’s the outlook, and everything in between
