7 of TMRE's Most Compelling Sessions
Today's guest post comes from TMRE Guest Blogger Nick Zeckets of TRU, a division of TNS, who will be a part of the team live blogging from TMRE 2011.
In less than a week, over one thousand market research, marketing, insights, and business leaders will descend on the Peabody Hotel in Orlando (yes, grown up's love Disney, too) for The Market Research Event: 2011. I'm more excited about this year's event than any in the past and I'm honored to be officially live-Tweeting #TMRE from @nickonbiz so follow along and interact!
En route, I thought I'd share a Top Seven Sessions list. This list is mine and my TRU focus on teens and young adults colors my picks, so share with us your thoughts and Top Picks on Twitter with #TMRETop7.
7) On Tuesday at 11:30 AM, the guys behind @Warcraft over at Blizzard Entertainment are talking about 'Adding Value with Research When Drowning in an Ocean of Data.' This should be on everyone's radar ' it's not that the data doesn't exist to answer a LOT of questions; it's just not delivering.
6) @AmericanCancer & CMI on Tuesday at 10:45 AM are sharing '5 Ways to Make Brand Tracking Research More Valuable: An American Cancer Society Case Study.' The ACS is one of the unique and special non-profits making meaningful use of market research. When the call to action is as important as theirs, you can bet the research fueling their work is awesome.
5) The opening sessions at 8 AM on Monday are TOUGH to choose from, but I'm pumped to hear from hear from Yum! Brands and @TNS_NA on 'A Better Way to use Segmentation for Strategic Product Planning & to Drive Innovation.' @Spike_TV and @Amway have smart sessions, too.
4) Where are your next billion consumers coming from? Get a piece of the story from Pepsico India (@PepsiWhatsUrWay) as they share how they're 'Building Brands for the $2 a day Consumer' on Monday at 10:45 AM.
3) The world keeps flattening out and that means as #MRX professionals we're being asked to think global. Learn from one of the best, @HP's Dan Salzman, about 'The Global Consumer' Wednesday at 3 PM.
2) Cross-media measurement's TOUGH and we all have to get there FAST. Who better to learn about 'Best Practices in Cross Media Marketing and Measurement' from than The Walt Disney Company and digital researchers Insight Express.
1) Wednesday at 1:15, @Microsoft is going to share how they're 'Marketing to the Facebook Generation & Measuring the Results.' For @truinsight, there couldn't be a more perfect presentation for us to learn from!
What else makes YOUR list? Come say 'hi' during #TMRE2011 on the floor, in-session or at the TNS booth; tweet at me (@nickonbiz); and let's make this the most insightful, inspiring, and valuable Market Research Event ever!