AARP Shares How to Effectively Analyze and Leverage Multi-Channel VoC Data

Drive change and optimize your sales force by measuring customer feedback through the entire customer experience at the Total Customer Experience Leaders Summit, an event that not only redefines customer centricity, but explains what this means for you, your brand and your business.
With the evolving landscape of communications channels available to customers, it's clear that organizations must adapt to meet the needs and preferences of their customers, or risk losing those customers to competitors. However, without a plan to strategically leverage the valuable information that is captured during contacts, organizations may never realize the full potential of customer interactions.
Join Robert J. Fox, Director, Business Process & Quality, Messaging and Analytics, AARP at the Total Customer Experience Leaders Summit, taking place June 6-8, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts as he delivers his presentation: How to Effectively Analyze and Leverage Multi-Channel VoC Data
In this presentation, Robert will focus on the value of contact data, both quantitative and qualitative, and offer suggestions on how to analyze and deliver on the strategic value of multi-channel data.
In addition to AARP, see who else will be sharing insights on Measurement & Feedback:
' Customer Care-Opoly
Joseph Arsenault, Senior Manager, Analysis, Metrics and Reporting, Time Warner Cable (TWC)
' Lessons Learned from Voice of the Customer Leaders
Adele Sage, Analyst, Forrester
' The Seven Deadly Sins of Voice of the Customer Research
Howard L. Lax, Ph.D., Vice President, Consulting, GFK Custom Research
' Measuring Customer Loyalty
Renee Pezzi, Senior Vice President, Director of Customer Experience Product and Online, Citizens Financial Group
' KEYNOTE - Meeting the Expectations of Your Consumer
Scott Hudler, Vice President - Global Consumer Engagement, Dunkin' Donuts
' KEYNOTE - How to Embed a Culture of Customer Experience in Your Organization
Kelly Harper, Director, Brand & Customer Experience, BMO Financial Group
Download the brochure to see the full program
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