An Interview with

We got a chance to sit down with Jeff Martin, VP of sales for, and he was able to tell us a little bit about what does. Here's a recap of that interview:
Q. Can you tell us a little bit about
We give research companies the points based reward solution they need to increase panelist retention. We offer low start-up fees because we expect our clients to succeed through our programs, making us more of a partner than a vendor. But more than that, we offer added-value administration - our on-staff program managers ease much of the pains of administration, integration and implementation. We don't make your company retrofit your technology and processes to us, we do whatever we can to adapt to your needs.
We offer rewards solutions in more than 70 countries and across more than 14 languages. Our program managers, our developers, while located stateside, have experience dealing with the intricacies of launching programs in any country, in any language. We provide cost-effective solutions for incentives within the panelists' country and seek out the appropriate vendors, if needs be. From translation to implementation, Perks has a proven track record of multi-national success.
Q. Tell me a little bit about the rewards selection.
A. Through our partnerships with over 300 vendors globally, we provide massive breadth of choice which means real value to panelists when it comes time to redeem their points. Our unique system provides a rewards catalog with products valued from a dollar to thousands of dollars - that will to keep your respondents active, engaged and loyal.
Here's a quick pic we took of Jeff Davis below. Remember to stop by the booth if you are in attendance at TMRE!