Mahendra Deonarain, PhDChief Executive and Science Officer at Antikor Biopharma LtdSpeaker
Dr Deonarain studied at Imperial College and Cambridge University where he carried out PhD research into protein engineering. From 1997-2011 Dr Deonarain was a Principle Investigator at Imperial College in Antibody Technology, which led to some novel technologies being developed commercially. Dr Deonarain now retains honorary links. He has published over 80 papers and patents in protein/antibody engineering/conjugates. In 2014, he co-founded Antikor Biopharma where he is the CSO leading a team of 15 to develop the next-generation of antibody-fragment based ADCs. Dr Deonarain is also Antikor’s CEO, driving the commercial development of Antikor’s OptiLink platform to develop FDC products for therapeutic applications
Agenda Sessions
The Intersection of Recombinant Antibody Fragment Engineering and Linker-Payload Design to Produce Next-Generation ADCs
, 14:25View Session