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Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Europe
10 - 12 June, 2025
Congress CenterBasel Switzerland



At the heart of the OmniAb platform is the Biological Intelligence™ including OmniRat®, OmniChicken® and OmniMouse® that have been genetically modified to generate antibodies with human sequences. OmniFlic® (transgenic rat) and OmniClic® (transgenic chicken) address industry needs for bispecific antibody applications, and OmniTaur™ features unique structural attributes of cow antibodies for complex targets. OmnidAb ™ is an in vivo platform for single domain antibodies based upon a human VH scaffold. These proprietary technologies are joined with OmniDeep™, which is a suite of in silico tools. Additionally, an established core competency focused on ion channels and transporters further differentiates OmniAb’s technology.

We're bringing you

  • OmniAb™ Scientific Briefing
