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Market Research

Are you committed to customer experience? Don't miss out on this!

Posted by on 06 June 2012
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The time is here! The Total Customer Experience Leaders Summit begins! Live from Boston, MA, we'll be experiencing 3 jam-packed days of customer experience, customer experience, and more customer experience from the leading experts in customer experience design, measuring, development, and alignment.

The Total Customer Experience Leaders Summit will walk us through leading strategies to implement a successful customer experience culture in our organizations.

Throughout the three days we'll explore, collaborate, and build the ideas of designing successful customer experience programs, effectively measuring the impact of customer experience, strategically establish customer experience processes, and align entire organizations around customer-focused principles and processes.

Here's a quick preview of some of the hot topics we'll be covering here during the next three amazing customer experience days!

Design the Customer Experience

-The Academic Research Evidence for Customer Experience
-Customer Experience Design'From Strategy to Experience Engineering
-Successful VOC and Speech Analytics Deployment - A Real-Life Case Study!

Measure the Customer Experience

-Customer Care-Opoly
-How to Effectively Analyze and Leverage Multi-Channel VoC Data
-Lessons Learned From Voice of the Customer Leaders
-The Seven Deadly Sins (and Seven Heavenly Virtues) of Voice of the Customer Research
-From Bow to Stern: How Royal Caribbean is Strengthening Guest Engagement
-Measuring Customer Loyalty

Strategically Establish Customer Experience

-Integrating Voice of the Customer into the Organization
-Summiting the Customer Experience Measurement
-How Emotion Drives Customer Experience, Engagement and Loyalty
-The Value of Happiness in Creating Positive Customer Experiences

Align Around Customer Experience

-How Highly Engaged Employees Deliver the Brand Promise through Customer Experiences
-Linking the Voice of the Customer to Business Processes and Results
-Creating a Customer-Centric Culture
-Integrating a Management Decisions into the Customer Experience

Stay tuned! I'll be giving you a little taste of the customer experience feast that will take place at the Total Customer Experience Leaders Summit!

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